so lovelies, Terra at the moment is Tara. and that's boring. i want her to be a butt-kicking hero again, but the way i've written her, Tara's in need of a stronger sense of deja vu. since beast boy isn't available to pester her, i was wondering if an empath [raven] or telepath or something might come along and jog her memories?
failing having one of those mentioned above, Tara could always be put into a life-threatening situation then perform some weak rock bending, which sparks her interest in what BB said to her in 'things change' causing her to seek an audience with the Titans or whoever intercepts her on her quest for identity. that scenario calls for a bad guy to willfully create- or a good guy accidentally make- said situation and help her rediscover TERRA.
and if no one wants that, Tara is always good to be a spectator, damsel in distress, or target for villains.
threading with Ms. Schultz sounds intriguing, though, i'd prefer to postpone that meeting until Tara become Terra again, but what the hey right? if you want i can set up thread at random, or you can post whenever you please. on a side note, tryouts for soccer are this week and next week, so, added to the workload of homework, i'm not liable to make extremely beautiful posts, as i would like to.
a plot with this doctor sounds less interesting, to be honest, but i'm still go if you are. i guess Tara could accidentally use her powers, then scamper off to the doctor to find out if she's delusional or not.
john alexander huh? well, i suppose i could set up a damsel in distress situation? or did you have something more specific in mind. either way, let's do eet!